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At last - after 24 years of research and more than three years in production, we are happy to introduce the long-awaited book on the story of the Taiwan POWS' by Society director, Michael Hurst MBE, Never Forgotten. . .The story of the Japanese Prisoner of War Camps in Taiwan during World War IIISBN: 978-986-89430-1-8 |
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‘NEVER FORGOTTEN’ tells the story of the Japanese prisoner of war camps on the island of Taiwan (Formosa) in the Second World War. It is the only book ever written that provides the complete story of all the Taiwan camps and the men who were interned in them.
Finished on Remembrance Day - November 11th, 2020 - 75 years after the end of the world’s most devastating war, this book traces the story of the allied soldiers, sailors and airmen - primarily British, American, Australian and Dutch - who were taken captive by the Japanese in Hong Kong, Malaya, Singapore, the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines and sent to Taiwan to do forced labour for their war effort.
What you will read is the result of numerous interviews with the former Taiwan prisoners of war, the collection of materials supplied by them and their families, and thousands of hours spent poring over their diaries and letters, as well as other material from war records, regimental diaries and archives. It is their story, told in their words from what they have shared with the author, and that which was discovered during 24 years of research. In addition, the author has visited all of the Asian countries involved in this story, seeking and collecting information on the camps in those areas and what took place there relevant to the Taiwan POWs.
At 620 pages, it covers that little-known story in detail – beginning with the battles that led up to their capture; their transportation to Taiwan in filthy, overcrowded ‘hellships’ and their struggles to exist in the fourteen Japanese-run prison camps on the island from 1942 - 1945. There is a chapter devoted to every camp and the story also follows those who moved on to camps in Japan and Manchuria. The relief and evacuation of the POWs by allied forces following the Japanese surrender is also documented, along with their care and treatment in Manila, their subsequent transport home and finally, their lives after the war. There are also appendices that provide information on the capture, indictment and trials of the Japanese and Taiwanese war criminals following the war.
Over 675 photos - many in colour, on the book’s high-quality glossy paper - visually enhance this epic saga. With more than 170 drawings and artifacts - also mostly in colour, the book is lavishly illustrated with historical material which accompanies the text. There are photos of the POWs and the camps, all of the hellships that took them to and from Taiwan, the allied aircraft that brought them relief when the war ended and the ships that rescued them and took them to freedom and home. There are also many photos that show how the former camps and related places appear today.
Drawings made by the POWs are often the only records existing of the life and conditions in the camps, and many augment the pages of this book, making it come alive for the reader. Much of this material was provided by the POWs and their families and has never before been published.
We wanted to produce the finest quality book possible using high-gloss paper that would enhance the photos, drawings and ephemera in a way most books are unable to do. Hence, with the higher density paper, the book weighs a bit more, resulting in the higher cost for shipping, but we are certain that you will appreciate the high quality of this special, once-in-a-lifetime book.
The cover features the sculpture of the two emaciated POW figures standing before the memorial wall in the Taiwan Prisoner of War Memorial Park at Jinguashi, Taiwan. It seeks to evoke an understanding of the suffering that the prisoners endured and how mateship meant so much to the men - all of whose more than 4,350 names are engraved on the wall.
Twenty-four years of meticulous, exhaustive research and more than three years of writing have produced this different kind of war story. It is heart-warming and humorous in places, giving insights into the men and how they stood by their mates and helped them survive. It also tells about the Taiwanese people who had sympathy for the POWs and how they tried to help them.
It is quite likely that due to the lateness in writing, this could very well be one of the last books – if not the last, on the Taiwan POWs ever compiled with the direct contribution of those men who lived the events described herein.
This book is not only a valuable historical reference work but, more importantly, it is also the saga of men who triumphed over great adversity and who surely deserve a place in the annals of World War II history - and must never be forgotten!
We Will Remember Them!
Please Note: The book is only available by ordering directly from the Society. It is not available in bookstores, on Amazon or other online booksellers. It has done very well, the first run sold out quickly and we are finally in the process of printing a second run. An announcement will be sent out and on the website when they become available.
To order a copy, requests should be emailed directly to the Taiwan POW Camps Memorial Society at society@powtaiwan.org . On receipt of the request, further instructions regarding the cost and method of payment for the book will be given. The basic price has not changed, but a bit lower prices now reflect the updated exchange and lower postage rates following the dropping of the previous additional Covid surcharges. The cost of the book - including packaging and shipping by registered air mail should be as follows:
To the United Kingdom - GBP45.00
To the USA - USD$50.00
All other countries will be quoted in US Dollars with the total cost reflecting the postage charges to those countries. Some may be less and others a bit more.
Once we receive payment, the book will be shipped within 1 – 2 days. Included with every book is a complimentary bookmark.
Please double-check to make sure that your mailing address is correct and complete when ordering. We cannot be responsible for incorrect addresses.
If you wish to have your copy signed, please let us know when placing your order.
Every shipment is registered and traceable and will go through eventually, so please be patient.
For those living in Taiwan - a copy of the book can be purchased from the Society using Taiwan dollars. You may contact the Society directly at society@powtaiwan.org to request a copy and local delivery can be arranged.
If after receiving your copy, you would like to comment or leave a review, then kindly email the Society through the website 'Contact' page or directly to society@powtaiwan.org . Some of the reviews and comments received thus far are featured below.
No one can accuse Michael Hurst MBE, author of 'NEVER FORGOTTEN', of ever doing a half-effort job of research when he wrote this nonfiction narrative. Spending almost 25 years on this effort, the author has produced one of the most detailed stories of POWs being held by the Japanese during World War II that I have ever read.
The Taiwan prisoners of war - who were they? Michael Hurst's 620-page reply will answer the question not only once, but for all.
With so many interviews of the former POWs, their family members, surviving fellow servicemen, and even Taiwanese captors - in addition to researching unpublished memoirs, personal letters and military documents, we are treated to a captivating and at times heart-wrenching story that takes a group of little-known POWs and presents them in a way that you truly come to know them. One can really feel the strong sense of respect the author holds for the men whose story he is telling.
Hurst brilliantly interweaves his narrative with an incredible selection of photographs, paintings and ephemera drawn from former POWs and archives in the UK and America, many published for the first time. In addition, woven into his story are many statistics and facts from the history of World War II in the Pacific as well.
World War II history has focused its eye too exclusively on the war in Europe to the extent where the situation in the Pacific and the plight of the POWs there has not received the attention and the respect it deserves. Hurst's book and its detailed research certainly makes a strong attempt to change that. - G.M.
Michael, I thought your book was really three books in one:
a) A meticulously researched history full of facts, dates, events etc.
b) A collection of memories and reminiscences of the PoWs
c) A personal memoir of your search for the camps' locations, the PoW survivors and families, and your work in establishing memorial monuments and events.
These are very different genres of book and required different writing styles. I thought that no teacher of writing skills or literary critic would have recommended trying to combine these in one volume, but by adopting the format that you did, you succeeded brilliantly in what should have been an impossible task. Congratulations! - R.W.
We are honoured to have received this review from Dr. Peter Pedersen, formerly Head of the Research Centre at the Australian War Memorial, one of Australia’s leading military historians, author and also a former assistant director of the Australian War Memorial. He writes. . .
"It’s a fine piece of work and a tribute to you and the men whose story you are telling. The detail is tremendous and reflects just how much effort you’ve devoted to this project. It’s all there: the campaigns that led to the POWs being taken, the setting up of the camps, the history of each camp, the liberation and repatriation, and the years after.
I was particularly struck by the way you related what the men experienced through their own words whenever possible. That approach really brings the narrative alive. Some things are incredible – the attempts of Sazawa, for example, to convey to the world that the POWs – at least those in his camp – were having a great time. Set alongside that fantasy, the artworks, again by the POWs, bring home the savage reality, none more so than Harrison’s drawing of POWs being beaten at Kinkaseki. Your citing the POWs’ own account of that punishment spares nothing.
Your photo research complements the text beautifully – the picture of Sgmn. Houston with his Mum at the end of it all is so poignant. You wonder how he, or any of the other survivors could speak to others about what they’d undergone and expect them to understand.
I really enjoyed the then and now comparison shots. And it’s just so interesting to see the camp sites as they are today. Kinkaseki brought back quite a few memories of our visit way back when.
Without doubt, your book will be the standard reference for the POW experience on Taiwan. No longer will that be treated almost as an afterthought to the much better known story of events in Burma, Thailand and Singapore.
You have truly ensured that the Taiwan POWs will never be forgotten. Well done and congratulations."
- Peter Pedersen
“Michael is extremely articulate and knowledgeable about this subject, which is not surprising because he has done more than perhaps anyone else to document the history of the Japanese POW camps in Taiwan. He tells the personal stories of the men who suffered and died here. It is this kind of anecdotal interpretation that drives home the courage and fortitude of these men in the face of their unimaginable hardship.” - F.S.
“You have done the men’s stories justice. It is so important that their stories are told and they are remembered.” - C.R.
“Congratulations on your book! This is a major milestone in the research on the POWs in Taiwan.” - W.B.C.
“The book looks good. An admirable tribute to the Taiwan POWs. Really a lot of information packed into it. Nice to see a book with such quality photos. So often in war books today the quality of photos and pictures is extremely poor. The choice of paper is very good.” - M.W.
“What you have created is a true gift to those POWS, their families, friends and others. Thank you for all that you have done for them, their place in history here and their memories.” - S.B.
“Your book is here, and we are just thrilled!!!!! Thank you so very much for everything you have done to make this possible. You are giving such an amazing gift to those of us who know nothing of what our family members went through during those awful years. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! We pray that you are blessed in the work you are doing – and all you have done down through the years.” - K.M.
“I highly recommend the purchase of Michael Hurst’s book. I was impressed with the quality of the photos; book pages are high-quality, photo-type paper…tons of photos!” - W.M.
“I found the book well written and very interesting. Your detail is amazing and I am really enjoying the read. It is not just the POWs’ story, it is also your story for about a third of your life !!!!” - M.P.H.
“It is a marvelous publication! The printing is excellent and it is especially poignant to have the photos that enhance the importance of the text. What a powerful memorial and treasure this historical account is!” - P.P.
“I can tell you it is hard for me to put your book down. Your book was well worth the wait. I am confident many copies will find a home on bookshelves of those interested in the plight of Allied POWs during WWII.” - L.P.
“Thank you so much for the two copies of 'Never Forgotten' I received this week and congratulations on such a thorough and historical document. It is appreciated.” - B.P.
“My first reaction was, "Wow, this book is HEAVY! I guess that's because it is loaded with awesome history! I was astounded by what's included and especially with all the personal contacts with POW's and their family memories!” - P.P.
“I’m excited to report that your book is here. Well done! It looks amazing. The quality of the publication is first class.” - G.D.
“I have just finished reading your book, “Never Forgotten”. I just wanted to say what an utterly moving and compelling experience it is. I am full of admiration at the depth of research, your passion and your dedication. It is a book I shall treasure.” - H.G.
“I received your book yesterday. Thank you very much. I am very impressed. A very high quality publication, easy to read, and heaps of good info.” - S.S.
“I have finished reading the book, and have found it to be a wonderfully written episode. The detail has been amazing in some chapters. The way that the story encompasses the men’s stories plus your story makes it a fascinating read. You wanted to get many photographs into it, and you achieved that. There is so much to take in, I feel I will probably need to start again.” - M.H.
“Thank you so much, Michael. The book is full of detail and the photos you have included are incredible. It’s a wonderful tribute to the POWs.” - R.D.
"It was a privilege to get a copy of the book. I'm really taken by it. If I hadn't studied history and hadn't read the book, I'm not sure I'd believe these things actually took place. The brutality was so great and terrible. Thank you for honoring these men and preserving their stories, especially since it seems like there is almost nothing else out there in terms of books that cover this subject." - B.L.
We are most honoured to have these comments from dear friend Canadian filmmaker, producer, director Anne Wheeler - the daughter of former Kinkaseki hero, Major Ben Wheeler who the POWs called "The Man Sent From God". It was her father's story and her wonderful film titled "A WAR STORY" which gave the impetus to start researching the little-known story of the former Taiwan POW Camps and the men. The link to the film at the National Film Board of Canada is the first item in the LINKS section of the website and the Reader's Digest story "The Man Sent From God" is the first article in the ARTICLES and STORIES section. She writes. . .
"Your book is so impressive. So full of hard work and important research. The quality is first class - I will cherish it as a resource and record that would not otherwise exist. Thank you for your dedication. I hope you feel rewarded by its impact and the sense of accomplishment you must feel. You have done a terrific job, covering all the camps, honouring so many, and giving context to the history.
I was very pleased to see so many of George's [Harrison’s] drawings included. You must have an amazing collection now of photos and archival drawings. It's good to know that these precious artifacts are safe now, and will not be lost. Best wishes for your ongoing work, Michael."
- Anne Wheeler
“Your 'Never Forgotten' is a masterpiece of detail of the Taiwan POW experiences, and I am most grateful to you for your work on this volume and all your efforts to memorialize this sad chapter of history. I have just completed my initial reading and find it fascinating. From my earliest years, I recall Dad speaking of Karenko and Shirakawa and the hellships, but never really understood what those places meant to him and his fellow POW’s.
You have done a terrific job of laying out the details of these places and experiences, as well as putting them in context. Never Forgotten is a remarkable, detailed addition to the body of knowledge surrounding the allied POW experiences in Japanese camps during WW II. The effort you put into assembling these accounts and facts, is surely most impressive.
Referring back to my father’s diary I gained a much better understanding of his own accounts and thoughts. The timeline laid out in his diary is very consistent with the details you presented, but I never really understood the backstory of where they were, or why they were moved, or how many others were in the same movements. The places, dates, and hellship names match very well those you present.
Please accept my compliments and appreciation for a job extremely well done. Clearly you have been a very busy man for a long time, finding all these details, and putting this all together.” - W.W.
"Thank you so much for the prompt delivery of your fabulous book. Such a marvellous looking book, how pristine in every way. I know how hard you worked to put this book together and possibly the emotions you had to deal with when you knew so many of the men themselves. How very proud you must feel that you have done what you did for our brave men who were held in Japanese hands, and they would have shook your hands and said: “Well done, well done”. " - B.M.
"The book has arrived, safely and will be a fascinating, if an unsettling read. You have obviously invested a lot of time and effort into this and we thank you for respecting the memories of people like my dad and his fellow prisoners." - F.D.
"What a fantastic book! Many congratulations on the production of such a detailed and interesting book on a subject so dear to my heart....It was how I eventually managed to find out what exactly happened to my father during his time as a POW in Japanese hands and which I could not have done without your help." - R.P.
"A great book. For the first time a thorough and detailed account of the camps on Taiwan and the conditions the prisoners had to endure. I am particularly impressed with the unblemished and accurate details of the actions of Churchill and MacArthur and their part in the war. As far as I am aware nobody else has told the full story of their ineptitude and blundering. A thoughtful and very well researched book which should become a text book for future historians." - D.C.
“The detail provided about the POWs, who they were, where they were held, and their challenges to survive, provide wonderful insight into a story that our fathers and grandfathers would never talk about with their families.” - DS
“Having never known about the history of the Taiwan POW camps I spent a great deal of time reading every chapter to try to understand the suffering and hardships those men went through. It is difficult for us to really understand how hard life and living was. The many photos and drawings you provided helped me to better understand the lives and movements of individuals and groups. Well-being was often dependent upon strength and a mate who you knew would help you get through.” - BP
“Wow. Your book is an amazingly well researched slice of Taiwan and WWII history. Excellent work.” - C.C.
"I have now read and finished your book - I congratulate you on the completion of this amazing tome. It is very moving and I can't believe that you have managed to get so many details and facts together." - F.G.
"I’m in awe at the years of work and research you’ve done, I can understand why it’s been a long time until you’ve completed it! I certainly feel that you’ve done the men proud and that the sacrifice they made will now never be forgotten". - H.D.
“Regarding your book; I couldn’t put it down when I received it and it has pride of place in my study; a fabulous source of detailed information with human stories alongside too, it was a special treat to see Dad's name there. The whole book smacks of pure quality - not just the reams of information carefully researched and recorded, but its weight and presentation too - it has great presence - if I can say that about a book !" - P.B.
"Your marvellous book arrived and I have spent fascinating hours reading this rich, rich history. What a work you have researched and written. It is beautifully produced. Having followed the fortunes of one man, my father, I’m in awe of the detail you’ve assembled about so many people to make this huge colourful tapestry of the Taiwan POW experience. Hats off and bravo!" - J.R.
"I am enjoying reading your book, it’s so informative and clear. I have learned so much already and I’m utterly absorbed in it. I am so impressed and in awe. The time and effort you have dedicated to completing the research and writing the book is staggering. Thank you for telling the story on behalf of all families and friends of the POWs." - J.T.
"Michael, I wanted to congratulate you on your very well-written and thoroughly researched book. It's truly wonderful that you have done so much to make the history of the camps and the POWs known. If it weren't for you, I'm sure they would have been largely forgotten. Before I started reading it, I thought the book would be a little dry but that was not the case at all; you succeeded in bringing that period of history alive and making the reader feel like an invisible spectator. Congratulations again on bringing your work of many years to fruition." - D.C.
“Never Forgotten arrived today, and what a lovely book it is. Nice to see it done so well - good paper and quality printing so that the photos look as good as they can and importantly, the font size is not too small. Great choices made.” - J.R.
“I have to say that this has got to be one of the most beautiful books I have, and already I have learned a lot of new information. I showed my mom the inscription you so kindly wrote, and she almost cried. She was very impressed with the photographs, as am I. I absolutely love the gloss paper, it is really a wonderful tribute, and a job well done! Thank you again!” - KD
“It is a scholarly work. Meticulous research and organization, and an excellent presentation.” - CD
“You were careful to make the story of the POWs as real and as true as possible from the available evidence you have collected over so many years of research. It is a wonderful account.” - RJ
“This is a book to be treasured. Well done research, so many interesting facts, excellent presentation.” - MB
"I have your book on the table next to my sofa as a constant memory of what these men suffered and am so grateful that you can keep their memory alive and inform the younger generations of the suffering endured. They should never be forgotten, many thanks." - JM
“I have read the book that you kindly signed for me. All I can say is that at times I became really emotional while reading it, and as I finished it, I realised that now I feel so much closer to my Grandfather. Many thanks for undertaking such a huge task in writing up the history of the Taiwan POWs. I shall forever be indebted to you for bringing me closer to a gentleman I never really knew. Thank you for helping to keep the memory of these courageous men alive, as while we are still talking about them, they are not deceased, they are still with us.” - CS
“I wanted to let you know that I found your book absolutely fascinating, yet at the same time quite horrifying – what my grandfather and his comrades went through simply doesn’t bear thinking about, and it is no surprise that he never spoke about it after the war.” - SW
"After reading your book, I felt that I was so blessed. I have a warm bed and good meals, unlike those POWs, no matter in the camps or on the hellships, they were more miserable than me. Their stories inspired me, and I have learned the courage and "iron will" from them. And it also reminded me that I should cherish my days, to have a wonderful and meaningful life.
Now I finally realize why we should not forget these POWs. There's a power in their stories which I fully respect very much. I just want to let you know that this book is not only a historical book, but a book with inspiration, courage and love. And it's so detailed just like you were there at that time. Thank you." - KC
“I wanted to convey my thanks to you for the new knowledge I now have about my Grandfather. I'm not someone who reads books very often, but I found your book so well researched and written that I couldn't put it down, and only took breaks to compose myself as I found the emotion at times overwhelming.
Thank you so much for the effort you put into 'Never Forgotten', the respect and honesty shown throughout the book to the POW's was truly something you should be proud of.” - RC